The following books are mentioned in the following narrated verse:
A beautiful writing with great references
عن شعبة, عن سلمة بن کهيل, قال: سمعت أبا الطفيل يحدث عن أبي سريحة. . . أو زيد بن أرقم, (شک شعبة). . . The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: قال: من كانت مولاه فعلي مولاه.
(قال:) و قد روي شعبة هذا الحديث عن ميمون أبي عبد الله عن زيد بن أرقم عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.
From the department, Salma bin Galeel narrates that I heard Abu Bakr from Abu Abinrahah. . . Or Zaid bin Arqam. . . The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The one whom I am the master of, is Ali '
The department has narrated this Hadith from the memoons Abu Abdulla, from Zaid bin Arqim and he narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
1. Tirmidhi, al-Jhaa'ahah, 6: 79, Ayub al-Manaib, Zodiac: 3713
2. Ahmad ibn Hanbal, virtue, 2: 569, zodiac: 959
3. Academic, Amalie: 85
4. Ibn Abi Asim, Alaina: 603, 604, Amount: 1361, 1363, 1364, 1367, 1370
5. Tabrani, Al-Mubarak al-Kabir, 5: 195, 204, zodiac: 5071, 5096
6. New, cultural heritage, 1: 347
7. Ibn Askar, History Damascus Damascus, 45: 163, 164
8. Ibn Asir, Asad Algha, 6: 132
9. Ibn Asir, Al-Fayyed al-Ghazi Al-Hadith-ul-Awas, 5: 228
10. Ibn Dhabir, Abbaida and Alaina, 5: 463
11. Ibn Hajar Isqqani, Trjil-ul-Mufaahah: 464, Rule: 1222
This hadeeth is narrated in the following narration from Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas Raziullah Anahma:
1. Hakim, Almaty, 3: 134, Amount: 4652
2. Tabrani, Al-Mubarak al-Kabir, 12: 78, Amount: 12593
3. Khasib Baghdadi, History Baghdad, 12: 343
4. Ibn Ascar, Damascus Damascus, 45: 77, 144
5. Ibn Dhabir, Abbaida and Alaina, 5: 451
6. Hedithi, Al-Majeed, 9: 108
This Hadith is mentioned in the following books from Jabir bin Abdullah bin Raziullah Anahma:
1. Ibn Abi Asim, السنه: 602, Zodiac: 1355
2. Ibn Abi Shiba, Al-Masfid, 6: 366, Raa: 32072
This Hadith is mentioned in the following books from Abu Hurayrah Ansari.
1. Ibn Abi Asim, السنه: 602, Zodiac: 1354
2. Turbani, al-Majrab al-Kabir, 4: 173, zodiac: 4052
3. Turbani, al-Hajj al-Bayt, 1: 229, zodiac: 348
Hadith narrated from Abu Hurayrah, it is narrated in the following books:
1. Narrated by al-mu'minin, Ibn al-mu'minin (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "Bin Laden: 88"
2. Ibn Abi Asim, Alaina: 602, 605, Amount: 1358, 1375
3. Zia Maqdasi, al-Ahadith Al-Mushar, 3: 139, Amount: 937
4. Ibn Askar, the History Damascus Damascus, 20: 114
This Hadith is narrated in the following books from Hazrat Badeeda Raziah:
1. Abdul Razaq, Al-Masfid, 11: 225, Amount: 20388
2. Turbani, al-Sagheer, 1: 71
3. Ibn Askar, the History Damascus Damascus, 45: 143
4. Ibn Asikar narrated that 'Hadith Bukhari (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated in' Damascus Damascus' (45: 143).
This Hadith is mentioned in the following books from Ibn Burda:
1. Ibn Abi Asim, Alaina: 601, Zodiac: 1353
2. Ibn Askar, the History of Damascus Damascus, 45: 146
3. Ibn Dharir, Abbaida and Alaina, 5: 457
4. Haseemuddin Hindustan, Kanz al-Uyum, 11: 602, Raa: 32904
This Hadith is narrated by Habib bin bin Jinnah (may Allaah be pleased with him)
1. Ibn Abi Asim, السنه: 602, Zodiac: 1359
2. Hoseamuddin Babi, Kanzalooem, 11: 608, Rule: 32946
This Hadith is mentioned in the following narration:
1. Tabrani, al-Mubarak al-Kabir, 19: 252, zodiac: 646
2. Ibn Askar, the date Damascus Damascus, 45: 177
3. Hedithi, Al-Majeed, 9: 106
Turbani has also mentioned in the Hadith 'المجمجم الکبرر (3: 179, رقم: 3049)', also referred to as حففہ بن عید غفاری رضی اللہ عنہ.
Ibn Asikar narrated in '' Dushanbe al-Kabir (45: 176, 177, 178) '', this Hadith narrated from Abu Hurayrah, Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab, Hazrat Anas bin Malik and Abdullah bin Umar (RA).
Ibn Asikar narrated in the narration of 'Hadeeth al-Bukbir (15: 60, 61)' from this Hadith Hassan bin Hasan (RA).
Ibn Athir has narrated this tradition from Abdullah ibn Yamail in 'Asad al-Ghabah (3: 412)'.
Heithi narrates this Hadith from Abu Bakr Radi Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him).
Ibn Hajar Isqqani said in 'Fateh al-Bukhari (7: 74)': "Tirmazhi and feminine narrated this Hadith and it is a lot of us."
Albani says in the 'Silsala' al-Hadith al-Saha'ahah (4: 331, zodiac: 1750) ', according to the terms of Hadith al-Bukhaari and Imam Muslim.
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